Rosalina Pisco Costa

Docente do Ensino Superior (Universidade de Évora)

I'm a sociologist. I teach courses on family studies and qualitative methodologies. I get inspired by Wright Mills' sociological imagination to grasp the relations between history and biography within society, and I particularly enjoy engaging students in creative social research projects. My research focuses on family, childhood, gender, social time, and everyday life. I often draw on my own teaching and research practice and use autoethnographic writing to reflect on epistemology and ethics.


Rosalina Pisco Costa é socióloga, professora associada no Departamento de Sociologia, Escola de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Évora (Portugal) e investigadora integrada no CICS.NOVA.UÉvora – Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciências Sociais.


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