Call | Sociology of Law and Justice

Call for papers | Sociology of Law and Justice

Coordinators: António Casimiro Ferreira [CES, UC] Pierre Guibentif [Dinâmia’CET, ISCTE-IUL] Sílvia Gomes [CICS, UMinho]

Does the law at the present time still contribute to the production of citizens’ power? Starting from this question, we aim to focus on the institutional conditions enabling individuals to participate effectively in the construction of the communities to which they belong, whether by the means of their own agency, by establishing relationships of cooperation or by forming organized groups. Indeed, these conditions are experiencing profound changes, at a time when communities below and above the states are gaining relevance; i.e. communities which assume themselves somehow to be complementary or even an alternative to the states. The current process of Europeanization is an obvious example of this trend. The work of the Sociology of Law and Justice Section at the 10th APS Congress aims at promoting discussion of the challenges that such changes bring for the plural set of norms constituent of these institutional conditions. It is our conviction that the sociology of law and justice has a key role to play in the analysis and debate of these issues, which are of the utmost importance for democracy in Portugal and the rest of the world.

The theme of this call is integrated in the more general debates expected at the 10th APS Congress about the public sphere, citizenship and quality of democracy. It also corresponds to the theme of the 3rd Meeting of the Sociology of Law and Justice Section, which will take place simultaneously and in close conjunction with the scientific meeting of the Research Committee on Sociology of Law (RCSL) of the International Sociological Association (ISA), from 10 to 13 September 2018, at ISCTE-IUL: “Law and citizenship beyond the States ".

The coordination of the Sociology of Law and Justice Section invites all those who develop research on law and justice to present communications and / or posters within this area and to participate with knowledge, approaches and experiences at the APS Congress, trying whenever possible to relate their contributions in an imaginative way with the issues of the public sphere, citizenship and quality of democracy. Given the strong political dimension that the themes of the two congresses have in common, despite one being a national and the other an international meeting, and taking into account their temporal proximity, the coordination also invites the presentation of communications in Covilhã that complement those presented in Lisbon.

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