Professor in the Department of Sociology of UBI and director of the 3rd Cycle in Sociology. Effective researcher at CIES-IUL
Rua do Molhe, 128, 1º Porto
+351 308 802 241
Av. Prof. Aníbal de Bettencourt, 9
+351 217804738
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Alcides A. Monteiro is professor in the Department of Sociology of UBI and director of the 3rd Cycle in Sociology. Effective researcher at CIES-IUL (Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia) and was the coordinator of his CIES-UBI centre in the UBI, between 2013 and 2017.
He’s interested in both investigation and intervention, in the processes of local development and social exclusion, in the methodologies of action- research and and participatory evaluation, in associationism and volunteering, in adult education and lifelong learning, and also in social entrepreneurship and social innovation.
In addition to authorship and contributions to national and international publications, he was part of the working group responsible for producing the document Erradicar a Pobreza: Compromisso para uma Estratégia Nacional.