I was born on Christmas Eve 1973, at Paço de Arcos, a seaside town 20 km away from Lisbon.I am a researcher in social studies of science. I currently work at the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon.
She specialises in social studies of science. She is currently a research fellow at ICS-UL, member of the Scientific Council and vice-coordinator of Observa. She is a member of the Portuguese Sociological Association (member of the Advisory Board and of the coordination team of the Section Knowledge Science and Technology), the European Sociological Association (member of the Executive Board of RN 24 Science and Technology)) and EASST European Association of Studies of Science and Technology. She is a national delegate at the COST Action TU 1401 "Renewable Energy and Landscape Quality (RELY)".
She is a member of the permanent council of Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, of the Scientific Committee of MIDAS - Museus e Estudos Interdisciplinares and of the Reading Committee of O Arqueólogo Português. She received an award from the Portuguese Associaiton of Museology in 2009.
Born in 1973 in Paço de Arcos. She is a sociologist and was granted a PhD by the Social Sciences Institute of the University of Lisbon (ICS-UL) in 2006. Formerly, she was a junior research fellow at the Observatory of Sciences and Technologies (1997-2001) and at ICS-UL (2002-2005) and a postdoctoral research fellow at the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC -European Commission, Seville, 2006) and at ICS-UL (2007-2009). Visiting fellow at ias-sts Institute of Advanced Studies on Science Technology and Society (Graz) in 2013/14.