Ana Roque Dantas

Docente do Ensino Superior



Ana Roque Dantas holds a Phd in Sociology from NOVA FCSH (2015), with a research work in the area of Sociologia das Emoções, that explores the social regularities around the perception of emotions and feelings. Holds as well a master’s and bachelors degree in Sociology, also at FCSH/UNL.

She is currently an Invited Assistant Professor at the nova FCSH, for the subjects of  Estatística ( Degree in Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais) and Informática for Ciências Sociais (Sociology Degree). She’s also an integrated member of CICS.NOVA.

She organised and lectured several Summer School courses at NOVA FCSH, including the various editions of the course As Ciências das Emoções: o contributo para a análise das práticas e representações sociais.

She’s the coordinator of the ST Sociologia das Emoções since 2004.

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